Kitchen Renovation

We are in the midst of a major renovation to our kitchen and dining room! It is very exciting but also quite stressful because we usually spend a lot of time in our kitchen cooking and now we won’t have a kitchen for months!


A couple of weeks before the renovation began, we started getting rid of things we don’t use anymore. Then we packed up dishes and stuff that we wouldn't be using during the renovation. Some stuff went downstairs and some went upstairs!

The weekend before demolition, we moved our dining room table, dishes and food into the living room and set up a temporary cooking space. It kind of felt like we were camping! We even filled up our big camping water cooler so we would have drinking water.

We spent the Sunday cooking meals (pasta, soup, curry) so we could just heat up our dinner in the microwave. 

Week 1

Need some dish bins for your next kitchen reno. Check out

We were happy to have the pre-made meals to reheat for dinner. Washing dishes was quite the pain! We used our camping dish bins and filled them with dirty dishes and took them downstairs to the laundry room to wash them. Then of course we had to bring everything back up again!

Half way through the week, we ran out of water so we bought big bottles of water to refill our camping water cooler. After doing that a few times, we decided to buy a Brita water filter. We didn’t like the idea of drinking bottled water (where does the water actually come from?!) and we didn’t like all the wasted plastic we were producing.

Save the landfill from plastic waste by filtering regular tap water using this Brita water jug. You can find this jug on

So far, we have survived the noise, dust and have even managed to feed ourselves healthy meals!

Have you ever gone through a kitchen renovation? Do you have any tips or ideas to make things easier? Let me know in the comments below!

Stay tuned for week 2 of our renovation! We’re going to try out a food delivery service.


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